Sharing precious moments in life!
Blog Owner : Ayah Cik Losong
We are supposed to enjoy sharing our precious things in life with others. Knowledge and experience in life are the two precious things that will keep increasing in their quantity and quality the more you share it with others.

October 2007 Wednesday @ 2:33:26 am
Some clearing work!

Yesterday we were busy clearing branches of a rambutan tree in front of my house. These branches have encroached across the fence to the neighbour's house. It took as few hours to settle the whole thing with the help of our expert - Pak Soh. Some photo to show the expert in action.

October 2007 Tuesday @ 12:33:09 am
Hectic day!

A very hectic day for me yesterday...

Morning - with all family members to the Immigration Dept to process the International passport for all.

then to the goat farm. Gave injection to one of the sick goat (cute male goat - the name is "Meng"). Then attended the jamuan Hari Raya at FMISB/KPISB.

In the afternoon, again with all family members to the Immigration Dept to collect the passports. After Asr - meeting. After Isyak - meeting.

We have to respect the performance of our Immigration Dept in Malaysia. You apply the passport in the morning, you will get in the afternoon. Congratulation!!

October 2007 Tuesday @ 12:19:33 am
Some information about our universe....

We should be talking and listening about the greatness of Allah  regularly. This will increase our Iman further. By looking and thinking about the beauty of the creation of Allah, we will be able to appreciate the greatness of the Creator.

This is some of the contents of the book "The Holy Quran, Science and Universe" by Sheikh Khalid Saifullah, New Delhi.

A brief description of the universe in the light of new discoveries

After years of exhaustive research and invention of sophisticated electronic telescopes and other instruments, a new concept regarding the origin of the universe has evolved. Today we know more about the solar system and galaxies and man has peeped in the universe up to the distances of millions of light years and taken pictures. These discoveries were unknown to man a century back. But it is interesting to note that the Quran has mentioned these facts 14 centuries ago. Many scientists who read the translation of such verses of the Quran were stunned and they declared that this book couldn’t be according to the knowledge of unlettered Prophet Mohammad of 6th century A.D., Certainly it is a revelation from the Creator of the universe and Muhammad is His true messenger. Allah and angels stand witness with this truth and it is really wonderful to note that the Quran mentioned this fact also that in future, men of knowledge will conclude that the Quran is a true revelation, seeing the signs in the universe. Read these verses:

“But Allah bears witness to that which He has sent down (the Quran) unto you, He has sent it down with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness. And Allah is All Sufficient as a Witness. (Surah An-Nisa 4, verse 166)

Read further:

“For every news there is a fact, i.e. for everything there is an appointed term and you will come to know”. (Surah Al-An’am 6, verse 67)

Now before we see in details what the Quran says about the origin of the universe and the details of existing universe, first let us read about the universe according to the latest discoveries.

Our earth

Our earth is a globe but not perfectly spherical. At poles it is flattened like an orange. Its diameter east to west is 12756 km and north south across the poles, 12713 km. Its circumference is 40091km. Its age after coming in the orbit of the sun is 4.6 billion years. The age of the oldest rocks of the earth is 3.8 billion years. This difference is the time when the molten surface of the earth started cooling and forming the rocks. Today the outer core of the sphere is made of rocks and inside it is still hot. The thickness of the core is about 20 kms beneath the continent and 4 kms beneath the sea. The crust is in the form of huge broken pieces of plates. To hold it on the molten mass there are mountains on each plate. The foundations of the mountains are strong and fixed deep up to 50 km. This has ensured stability otherwise there will be continuous earthquakes.

Below the crust is hot soft material like chocolate up to a depth of 3000km called magma. Below that is a molten mass up to a depth of 2000 km called outer core. The earth temperature rises with increasing depth. Thus central part has a temperature of 4500oC. Due to heavy pressures centre is solid, formed with heavy metals and is called the inner core. In the magma at certain places where there is a hole up to the crust, the molten lava is sprayed out with smoke due to high internal pressure. These are called volcanoes. The lava cools down to form rocks.

The total area of the surface of the globe is 5.1 billion square km. Nearly 70% of the surface is sea and 30% forms the seven continents, namely Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America and Antarctica. Six continents are populated while the Antarctica on the South Pole under millions of tons of ice is very cold and unpopulated. North Pole is the frozen sea.

The average distance of the moon from the earth is 385000 km and that of the sun is 1.52 billion km. Sunrays take 8.3 minutes to reach the earth that is why we say that the distance of the sun from the earth is 8.3 light minutes. The very long distances of the universe are measured in terms of light minutes, light hours, light months, and light years. One light year is the distance, which the light travels in one year with a speed of about 0.3 million km per second.

The day & the night

The earth is spinning around its axis. The axis is an imaginary line passing through the centre of the earth and the north and the south poles and is inclined from the normal by an angle of 23.5 degrees. It completes one round around the axis in 24 hours; the hemisphere facing the sun is in the day and that behind it is in the night. One night and day completes in 24 hours, which is the length of the day and night, moving round the earth’s surface in orbit, one behind the other.

Due to the 23.5 degrees inclination of the axis from the normal the sun is not always on the equator. Its circle keeps on changing between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Therefore this area is the hottest on the earth. If we go towards North and South Poles the temperature goes on falling due to the inclination of sunrays from the normal. It is coldest at the Poles. The length of day and night also varies and it is equal on the equator. The maximum cold is at the Poles. North Pole is in the middle of Arctic frozen sea while the South Pole is the seventh continent, the Antarctica. It is full of the ice-burgs up to a height of 4800 km and the area occupied by the ice burg is about 14 million square km. Antarctica contains almost nine-tenth of all the ice on the earth.

The Poles are points where all the lines of longitudes meet on the maps and are very near to the magnetic pole of the earth.

The year

The earth is also moving round the sun in an elliptical orbit and completes one round in 365 days, six hours, and 9 minutes, covering a distance of 958 million km. This is the length of one solar year. According to Georgian calendar we count the year as 365 days, we have to compensate the six hours difference every four years making the month February for 29 days instead of 28 days. This is called the Leap Year.

The season also changes during the year due to the inclination of the axis. In the month of May and June it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. In December and January it is vice versa. This is due to the inclination of the Hemisphere towards the sun. In May-June in the Northern Hemisphere days are longer than the nights and it receives more sunlight. On the Southern Hemisphere condition will be the same after six months. Due to the gravitational pull of the moon high tides are produced in the sea. Owing to the same force, the rocks are rising by a few centimeters. As a result, the rocks get weaker and start breaking into pieces. The very old rocks have become stone granules.

The magnetic field

Around the earth there exists a magnetic field with its North Pole near the Geographical North and South Pole near the Geographical South. Due to the temperature difference between the earth’s layers high D.C. electric current is flowing in the earth and the earth therefore acts like a magnet. It extends up to 8000 km above the earth. Magnetic North is very near the Geographical North. The Poles change after one million years.

The atmosphere

The matter that exists on the earth in gaseous form under normal temperature and pressure forms the atmosphere. It consists of nitrogen 78 percent, oxygen 21 percent and carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gases one percent. With the changes of the climate, formation of clouds, the rain, the snowfall, all take place in the lower part of the atmosphere. The upper part of the atmosphere acts as a protective shield to save the life in the biosphere against external harmful rays. The detail will be dealt later.

The gravity

Every material body attracts other material body. The attracting force is called the gravitational force. This force depends on the mass and the force of gyration due to spinning of the mass around its axis. The force is found to be strongest at the center of the body and attracts everything towards its centre. It is, therefore, called centripetal force. This force reduces with the square of the distance from the body and becomes negligible after certain distance. The area around the earth in which this is active is called the gravitational field of the earth. It is due to this force that every thing falls towards the earth. When a body floating in space comes within the gravitational field of the earth it attracts it towards the centre of earth. The speed of the floating body in the space multiplied by its mass is called the momentum. The gravitational force of the earth attracts the body towards its centre. Therefore the speed of the falling body goes on increasing by a factor of 9.6 meter per second. If the momentum of the falling body is more than the gravity of the earth, the body will go away from the earth (in the direction of its motion) because this is the force driving away from earth and is called centrifugal force; the earth gravity will cause only a change in its direction of motion. If centripetal force of the earth is more the body will fall on the earth. If the centripetal and centrifugal forces are balanced the floating body will start moving in the orbit around the earth. The diameter of the orbit will depend on the momentum of the body.

On the contrary, if we throw a body away from the earth, the gravitational forces will reduce its speed. If the speed becomes zero within the gravitational field of the earth, it will be attracted again towards the centre. If the speed is not zero it will enter into free space where there is no gravitation, and the body will keep on traveling with the remaining speed away from the earth. It continues its journey in the space until some other force attracts it or changes its direction. If a body is thrown away from the earth with a speed of 11 km per second it will escape the gravitational field of the earth and travel in free space, this is called escape velocity from the earth. Nowadays our rockets are fired at speeds more than the escape velocity; it goes into the free space. This is how rockets have reached the moon and other planets. The satellites are fired at such a speed that it moves within the orbit around the earth at a certain height, for different height the speed shall be different and can be calculated. At the height of sixty thousand kms the speed of the satellite in its orbit is such that it takes one round in 24 hours and therefore appears stationary from the earth. This is possible when the orbit of the satellite is above the equator of the earth. As they look stationary from the earth they are called synchronous satellites and are used for communication purposes; that is done by installing a microwave trans-receiver in the satellite. The trans-receiver is powered through chargeable batteries kept in the communication satellites. These batteries are charged through solar batteries, which produce electricity when satellite is in the sunlight.

Microwaves travel straight, therefore are fit for communication, in the line of sight. Using satellites for microwave communication, we can communicate on 1/3rd of the earth’s surface, because the trans-receiver antenna fitted on the satellite will be in line of the sight from one third of the globe’s surface.

If we launch three such communication synchronous satellites at 120 degrees apart, each satellite will cover 1/3rd of the earth’s surface, and since all the three satellites are in line of sight from each other, the microwave communication will cover the entire globe. The other two satellites covering the remaining earth surface will retransmit the transmission towards the earth received by one satellite.




Our moon

The moon is a spherical globe like ball. Its diameter is 3426 km. Its mass is nearly 1/4th and the gravity is 1/6th of that of the earth. A 90 kg object will weigh only 15 kg on the moon. Due to insufficient gravitational forces the gases and water vapor have escaped from the moon, therefore there is no atmosphere and water on the moon. Hence, life is not possible there. Its age is the same as that of the earth, but its rocks got formed a million years before that of the earth. Being small, it cooled earlier than the earth.

The moon spins on its axis making one round in 29 days and 6 hours. It is also moving in an orbit around the earth, the period of one revolution is 29 days and 6 hours, therefore it is so synchronized that only its one face remains towards the earth. Earlier man had never seen the other hemisphere of the moon. When man made satellites, went in the orbit around the moon and sent pictures from the backside of the moon, we were able to see it.

The moon is cold having no light of its own like the earth. The portion of the moon on which the sun rays fall is visible from the earth; therefore the moon light is the portion of defused light of the sun from the surface of the moon. The light is therefore pleasant and cold. As the moon is also moving along its orbit around the earth when the day portion of the moon is on the backside, it is not visible to us. During 29 days and 6 hours the day portion of the moon slowly moves towards the earth, at first it appears like crescent then goes on increasing in size till on the 14th day of the appearance of the crescent the moon is fully lighted. After that again it goes on reducing forming a crescent on the other side of the moon in the morning and then becomes dark. The lunar month is therefore alternately 29 days and 30 days long. Twelve lunar months is one lunar year, which spreads on 355 days and is therefore shorter than the Georgian year (solar year) lasting for 365 days. Lunar year does not follow the season while solar year does 235 lunar months are equal to nineteen years of the Georgian calendar. The phases of the moon make it a lunar calendar for us.

Due to absence of atmosphere the sunrays heat the moon surface to the extent that things will burn out and it is so cold in the shade that the temperature is below freezing point. The transfer of heat through convection currents of air normalizes the temperatures on the earth; this is not possible on the moon. However there is no substance that can catch fire or freeze on the surface of the moon.

Our sun

The sun is a big ball of the hydrogen gas, 1300,000 times bigger than the earth. Due to very high pressure at the centre two atoms of Hydrogen defuse together to form one atom of Helium. Under this process of fusion tremendous amount of heat is generated. Hydrogen has the smallest atom having one proton at the nucleus and one electron moving in the orbit around the nucleus.

A proton bears one positive charge of electricity and its weight is taken as a unit called one atomic weight. Electron possesses one negative charge of electricity and is weightless. Hydrogen is the lightest element having the atomic weight one and atomic number one. The Helium is second element having two protons at the centre and two electrons in the orbit around the nucleus. This fusion is the source of heat generation in the sun. The fusion process is used in the manufacture of hydrogen bomb. The heat generated by each gram of hydrogen during fusion is as much as that obtained from the burning coal weighing 2500 tons. The outer temperature of the sun is 6000 ºC and the temperature at the centre is 15 million ºC.

The sun is having a spherical shape like a ball; the diameter is 1392500 km. that is 109 times bigger than the diameter of the earth. The weight is 333,000 times heavier than that of the earth. The volume of the sun is 1300,000 times that of the earth. Its average distance from the earth is 1.52 billion km from the earth. Due to this large distance it appears small to our eyes. It spins round its axis and completes one round in 23 days.

The earth is a planet of the sun and the moon is the satellite of the earth. The earth, along with its moon is moving in an elliptical orbit around the sun. There are nine planets moving in the orbit around the sun. Each has different mass and moving at different distance from the sun. The list of the nine planets with their diameter and distance from the sun is given below. This is called the solar system.

Distance from the (in km)
Diameter of equator (in km)
Time taken for one orbit
58 million
88 days
108 million
224 days
152 million
365.25 days
228 million
787 days
778 million

11.9 years

1427 million
29.5 years
2870 million
84 years


4497 million
164.8 years
5900 million
247.7 years

The four giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings around them formed due to thin bits of rocks orbiting the planets.

Mercury and Venus have no moon while the earth is having one moon and other planets have more than one moon. Jupiter is the biggest planet having two moons. Only five planes are visible with eye, others were seen after invention of high-resolution telescopes, one after another. The Pluto is latest discovery. To know more about this planet recently a space satellite was launched. It is expected to reach there after 12 years.

Apart from these nine planets there are many comets moving around the sun. The comets are broken planets with rocks and dust. When a comet comes nearer to the sun, it shines at great intensity of light and is visible with the naked eyes. The smaller rocks and the dust form a tail. The comet’s orbit is very large. This entire system is called the solar system.

The space occupied by our solar system is large. The diameter is about 4 light years. When the sun will burns all of its hydrogen, it will expand and become red, and then it will collapse as it cools. Such collapsing stars are called supernova. Our sun is a medium size sun; its hydrogen is expected to last for 5.5 billion years more and will become 1000 times bigger and red in color, then it will collapse. Our sun is an average star in terms of its size. Stars of this size after collapse shrink in size and become a tiny white dwarf emitting X-rays. It will gradually cool and become invisible. However our sun has sufficient hydrogen that will last for another 5.5 billion years. Each sun has its own natural life period. However on the Doom’s Day all will collapse together.

The solar and the lunar eclipse

The moon is moving in the orbit around the earth, and the earth along with its moon is moving in the orbit around the sun. They are also revolving around their axis. During the course of these complex movements when the moon comes between the earth and the sun in daytime, the shadow of the moon is cast on the earth. The people leaving in the area of shadow on the surface of the earth will observe a part of the sun hidden behind the dark moon. As all these bodies are in movement the sun eclipse will start from one end and finish towards the other end of the sun. On the earth where shadow of moon does not fall, eclipse will not be visible. Solar eclipse is possible on those parts of the earth where there is day.

In night when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, the shadow of the earth falls on the moon, forming dark area. As all the bodies are moving the eclipse will start from one end of the moon and will end at the other end of the moon. This is possible only in night.

Our galaxy

Billions of suns form a galaxy. Most of the suns have their own solar system; some are alone in the galaxy. Being very far away they look smaller and we call them stars. There are more than 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Only about 6000 are visible with naked eyes, the rest can be seen with powerful telescope.

Towards the centre of the galaxy the numbers of stars are more; their density reduces with distance from the center.

Center having more stars acts as nucleusand all the stars move in their orbits around the centre of the galaxy. Where there is a large concentration of stars it looks like a Milky Way.

The distance between two stars is so large that they do not attract each other and move freely in their orbits. Our galaxy is like a round plate being very thick at the centre and then thinner towards the end. The diameter of this galaxy is about 90 light years. Our solar system is presently located towards the left side of the galaxy at a distance of 60 light years from the centre. Our solar system moves in the orbit at the speed of 150 km per second and completes its one round in 250 billion years. This movement is the latest discovery. The planets of other solar system are so small that till now our telescopes have not seen them clearly.

The nearest star from our solar system is Proxima century, about 4.2 light years away, the star Alpha century is 4.3 light years away and Bernard star is 6 light years away. Due to their large distances solar systems do not pull each other and float freely in the galaxy.

There are three types of galaxies according to their shapes, irregular, elliptical and spiral. Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy.




The universe

There are billions of galaxies in the universe and they exist in groups. Our neighbor galaxy is called Andromeda and is located at a distance of 2.2 million light years from us. More than 100 billion galaxies have been seen but this is only one corner of the universe. The farthest galaxies seen are thousands billions of light years away. The Hubble telescope was launched in the orbit round the earth in 1970. It is the most powerful electronic telescope in use. Being above the clouds and dust it can see to a larger distance producing high quality pictures of the outer space. Now a new and more powerful electronic telescope has been developed and will be launched in near future.

All the galaxies are moving far away from each other in groups. The universe is thus expanding fast; away from the centre where Big Bang took place.

How vast is the universe? It is not possible for us to measure it. Scientists have taken pictures of new stars located much farther and they were not visible earlier. The spectrum analysis reveals that these new stars are as old as our sun. The stars were not visible earlier because their distance is so far that the light traveling from the day of creation has started reaching the earth now. There may be billions of stars whose light is still in the way and will start reaching the earth probably a billion year later. Therefore it is not possible for us to measure the dimension of the material universe.

Scientists have seen about 100 billion galaxies but it is only in one corner of the universe.

What is there in the space between the galaxies?

Earlier it was thought that the space consists of vacuum only. But now we have seen many things. There are molecules of gases miles apart and rocks moving in the space in many parts of the space. When a small size sun, burns out all of its hydrogen, it expands thousands times in size and becomes red. Then it cools and collapses and its material is scattered in the space. In some parts of the universe the floating gases are of large quantities, they come together to form a big nebula, which further attracts gases scattered in the space and when the size becomes so large that fusion of hydrogen starts forming Helium at the centre and evolving heat, then a new sun is born. Picture of formation of new sun is given in this book.

White dwarf

If collapsing sun is of a medium size, its mass does not scatter away in the space due to high gravitation. It collapses as a small star emitting high intensity X-rays. Such a star is called the white dwarf.

Black stars

The dying sun is a very big sun, while the collapsing centripetal force is so high that the atoms of matter collapse to form neutrons. Such a collapsing star is called the Supernova. It becomes a red giant before collapse. The size will reduce very much when it becomes a neutron star, but the mass and gravity of such a neutron star is so high that even the light cannot escape out. It, therefore, looks like a black hole. If a galaxy passes within its gravitational field, it will swallow it and turn it into neutron and will increase its size and gravity. This causes smaller bangs in the universe. These are called Neutron Stars, Black stars or Black holes.

On the 8th January 2005 NASA has reported a stronger explosion than any other noted till now in the recent history. A black star swallowed a galaxy situated in the central zone of the group of galaxies called MSO73506+7421. During the process of collapse and burst a large quantity of matter was ejected in the form of smoke, dust and rocks. The main part of matter was swallowed and the small part was ejected. The photo taken by NASA telescope is given in this book. The ejected small part contained such a large amount of matter that the explosion of nearly 30 million solar systems could eject it. The earth received a huge amount of radioactive radiation. The distance of that galaxy is about 10 million light years away. It means this has happened 10 million years ago, the light and radiation has reached the earth now.

White stars

In the space, scientists have observed the white stars. The star body is not visible but the light emitted is so bright that one can see a white star located millions of light years away with naked eyes. No other star is visible with the naked eyes beyond our galaxy. Those stars are called Quasars or white stars. The star is spinning around its axis at such a high speed that its body is breaking up due to fission into light and cosmic rays and Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays. This star furnishes a continuous supply of energy producing pulsating magnetic fields in the universe, up to millions of light years. This is the source of energy, which produces centrifugal force in the electrons spinning in the atom of every element of matter. It supplies energy to the solar systems and galaxies in various ways. Many such stars must be there in the universe.

The fast moving rays of white star after consuming their energy turn into slow moving radioactive particles along with the sub-atomic particles forming cosmic rays. This causes an unwanted pollution. Similarly we have seen that a small collapsing sun scatters away in the space in the form of gases, dust and rocks.

All this will cause pollution in the space if not removed. The Black Stars are doing the job of clearing the universe from the polluting material. The extremely hot Black Stars are thus burning and digesting material particles and rocks and are so dangerous that they are example of small Hell.

Allah has created all the above-mentioned celestial bodies in the space between the galaxies. The existence of such important creation was not known earlier. Deeper research is needed to understand the White and Black stars. There is another possibility that a galaxy is moving fast in orbits around a black star at the center. This may look like a white star.

October 2007 Sunday @ 12:33:51 am
Reality of our life here!

All of us should have the right understanding about our life in this world. This is because we live in this world only once. There is no second chance whatsoever.... We have a lot of tasks to be done here. We have to make preparation for our eternal life of hereafter while living in this world. If we do not take this opportunity, we will really regret in hereafter.

The real perfect life is in Jannah (Paradise). Over there there will only be happiness. However when we live in this world, we should be able to anticipate problems, incompleteness, inadequacies etc. Perfection will only be in Jannah. The basic principle that we can find is the "Cause and Effect". Whatever we do there will be the effect of it. Some of the effects will only be in this world but most will have effect for both of the worlds. If we do action "A" we will receive the effect of action "A". If we do action "B" we will receive the effect of action "B". We are not supposed to expect to get the effect of action "A" by doing action "B". So brothers! we have to choose.

It is the same when we manage our family, our organizations etc. We should be able to anticipate things. We have to decide which effects we want. If we want the effect of "A", then there is unlikely for you to get the effect of "A" by doing action "B". And you will never understand fully what your leader/ colleagues are doing unless you ask them first. Giving remarks or making assumptions on some of the action of your leader/ colleageus is very inappropriate. We should respect others and think on the positive side first unless proven to be wrong. We should be strict to our own self but more relax and lenient for others. Only by inculcating this attitude, we will be able to stay united and work together for the benefit of everybody and the whole ummah.

October 2007 Saturday @ 7:37:30 am

Hari ni sudah seminggu Saudara Long kita kahwin. Tahniah brother! Semuga sentiasa di dalam kegembiraan dan kebahagian. Semuga Allah swt satukan kedua-duanya dengan penuh kasih sayang di dalam jalan yang lurus dan di redhaiNya.

Bagi yang belum kahwin, kenalah buat perancangan yang baik-baik untuk mendapatkan perkahwinan yang soleh dan dikasihi oleh Allah swt. Perkahwinan yang dilaksanakan mengikut kehendak Allah swt dan sunnah Rasululllah saw akan membawa barakah (berkat) kepada kita suami isteri dan zuriat seterusnya. Yang belum ada calon, kena beri perhatian serius di dalam memilih calun-calun isteri/ suami mereka.

"Salah satu hak anak yang paling awal adalah memilihkan baginya ibu yang solihah, iaitu bapanya hendaklah menikah dengan perempuan yang solihah (Umar bin Alkhattab)"

Bagi yang telah ada calun, pastikan pernikahan dibuat dengan mengikut adab-adab dan sunnah Nabi saw. hindarkan daripada "tashabbuh" (menyerupai) walaupun sedikit dengan amalan-amalan kuffar di dalam amal ibadat kita. Perkahwinan adalah suatu amal ibadat yang besar.

Bagi yang telah berkahwin, marilah kita memberikan tumpuan terhadap pendidikan isteri dan anak-anak agar menjadi manusia yang akan berjaya dan selamat di dunia akhirat. Paling tidak, mereka tidak akan menjadi pendakwa kepada kita di akhirat nanti.

October 2007 Saturday @ 12:25:45 am
Visiting friend

Yesterday we managed to visit our friend who is now being admitted in the CCU unit of the general hospital here. He was in a quite bad condition a few days back. Having difficulty to breath and was in a very weak condition. However two day ago the doctors found that he was having pericardial effusion
( as in the photo below)

The doctor has aspirated out about 130ml of fluid from his pericardial cavity. Yesterday when we visited him, he was very healthy. No more difficulty in breathing as before. Able to talk as a normal person. Alhamdulillah

( Some information: (from Wiki)

Pericardial effusion ("fluid around the heart") is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity. Because of the limited amount of space in the pericardial cavity, fluid accumulation will lead to an increased intrapericardial pressure and this can negatively affect heart function. When there is a pericardial effusion with enough pressure to adversely affect heart function, this is called cardiac tamponade. Pericardial effusion usually results from a disturbed equilibrium between the production and re-absorption of pericardial fluid, or from a structural abnormality that allows fluid to enter the pericardial cavity.

Normal levels of pericardial fluid are from 15 to 50 mL.)

October 2007 Friday @ 12:43:14 am
Principles of delegation and empowerment!

In order to develop a strong team, there are few steps that we need to take:

Step 1

----- develop your own "Clone" ( or develop a team that will have this capability). What is the definition of your "Clone" here. It means that you need to develop somebody or a group of people ( a team) that have similar behavior, attitude and the ability to make decisions similar to you.  Basically he/ they will be having similar "temperament" (mizaj) with you.  Development of this will take some time. inshaAllah we will discuss about this later.

Step 2

Effective delegation and empowerment

Basic principles of delegation and empowerment is as follows:

a) Delegate the tasks that you are 100% expert in. Never delegate the task that you yourself has no confidence in handling it yourself or you are not having much knowledge or experience about it.

b) Delegate the tasks that you really enjoy doing it. Never delegate the tasks that you hate doing it.

Once delegation has been done, there should be  full empowerment given  to the person concerned. Avoid from interrupting unless requested to.

October 2007 Friday @ 12:27:16 am
Termenung panjang!

Hari ni hari Jumaat. Hari cuti bagi kami di sini. Hari untuk merenungkan banyak perkara di dalam hidup ini.

Setakat mana hidup ini telah dilalui dan berapa lamakah lagi baki yang ada? Walau apa keadaan sekalipun, bekal yang cukup hendaklah diusahakan. Penghidupan kita di dunia ini hanya untuk suatu tempoh yang pendek. Selepas ini kita akan berada di alam akhirat yang kekal abadi. Di alam kubur sahaja kita mungkin akan hidup untuk beribu-ribu tahun. Bekal untuk penghidupan akhirat hanya boleh diusahakan semasa penghidupan kita di dunia ini. Oleh itu ramai manusia akan menyesal di akhirat nanti lantaran masa-masa yang telah mereka sia-siakan semasa hidup di dunia dahulu.

Walau apa keadaan hidup kita di dunia ini, samada sebagai seorang miskin atau kaya, apa yang perlu kita usahakan ialah untuk menjadi orang yang taqwa. Sentiasa takut kepada Allah, mentaati perintahNya dan meninggalkan laranganNya. Segala perintah Allah swt hanya akan diterima apabila ianya dilaksanakan dengan mengikuti cara yang yang ditunjukkan oleh Baginda Rasulullah saw.

October 2007 Thursday @ 3:49:01 pm
Starting to write again!

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to all. Now I have made up my mind to start writing again. I have not been updating my the contents at various blogs that I have for quite sometime. However after reading back all my previous blogs, I realized that a lot of new things I can learn if I consistently updating my blogs from time to time. Besides that all of the events related to my blog posting can be captured and recorded properly. It can become some sort of historical data which I can use later on

This time I will be writing this blog both in English and Bahasa Malaysia. Once I can master the Arabic language that I am learning now, I hope I will also be able to write in the Arabic language.

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Name: Ayah Cik Losong